Another Solemn Moment From 9/11, Another Victim Identified
September 11, 2001. The day the world stood still. Staggering news still emerges 16 years later.
Just the thought of that beautiful, blue sky, perfect September day, before all hell broke loose on American soil, still makes my heart heavy. The mere thought of lives lost in the blink of an eye, will forever take my breathe away. When you consider how many mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, sons, daughters, someone who meant everything to others, that still remain unidentified, it really is mind numbing.
Amazingly, nearly 40 percent of those killed on 9/11 have never had their remains identified. But every year, as the technology for DNA testing continues to advance, there is hope.
In a story from nbcnewyork.com another 9/11 victim has been identified 16 years after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center. The New York City Medical examiner made the ID using DNA testing and bone fragments.
One more family able to confirm the horrible sad truth of what they have known in their hearts for 16 years. While this victim has been identified as male, at his family's request, his name is not being released. Of the 2,753 people killed at the site of the World Trade Center, only 1,641 victims have been identified, and this gentlemen is the first positive ID made since 2015.
Closure. I think that's a powerful word. The events of 9/11 remain staggering for our Country.
If you ever have the opportunity, the Memorial and Museum in New York City is a moving experience. For information go to 911memorial.org
May we never forget. May all who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, Rest in Peace.
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