5 Times People Saw UFOs Over Danbury [VIDEOS]
There are believers and there are non believers, but one question always come up when these sighting occur. Are We Alone?
Most of us have seen things in the sky that make you think UFO, but some people are lucky enough to have captured the images on camera. Today, we have five different video's of UFO sighting over Danbury. At least it's real to them.
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February 8, 2012
Apparently, this women does this quite often. She even comments, "I have not had any contact like this since last year". She also thinks it's trying to transmit something.
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February 17, 2014
This guy claims to have seen this UFO over Candlewood Lake. **Warning, some explicit language in this video**
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November 17, 2015
This one looks more like an aircraft than a UFO, but the guy taking the video is right. It's weird to see this kind of dark trail on a plane, unless there's some sort of engine trouble.
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January 22, 2011
She's back! Our local star goddess. This time, with a more up close and personal look. "Whoa, Whoa, Dude."
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July 4, 2010
Today, we celebrate our Independence Day. Probably not the best video to prove we're not alone, but another sighting over Danbury none-the-less.