The terrorist attacks in Paris were horribly tragic.  It seem like every time the violence of one attack fades from our memory it is quickly replaced by another.

There seem to be no good answers.  s we prepared for the Ethan and Lou radio show this morning the same question kept coming up. What can be done? How can this be prevented? There seem to be no good answers.

Plenty of questions, but no answers.

Friday night my wife and I were setting up the board game for board game night with the kids. Then her phone started going crazy. She started to tell me what was floating around the Internet and we immediately turned on the news and watched it all unfold. It was terrible.

I kept thinking about 9/11 and remembering how I felt that day.

It was a lonely feeling and everyone was feeling the same way. I also remember on Friday thinking that this is going to happen again and it's going to happen in the states again.  There seems to be no good answer unless we live our lives in fear and don't go to very public high profile places ever again then this danger will be out there.

I started to think about what a completely different world my kids are growing up in.  This world, this country don't even resemble the one I grew up in.

We were able to grow up without these threats and be kids. Kids now have a lot more to consider and it's a shame that the actions of not many people can disrupt the entire global community in such a massive and negative way.

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