When you walk into the office to start your day, do your co-workers inundate you with their constant bitching and moaning? According to Alexander Kjerulf, the founder of Woohoo Inc. and one of the world's leading experts about happiness at work, says that complaining at work simply leads to no good.

Here are some reasons why constant complaining is bad for the work place:




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    It makes things look worse than they really are

    People who complain only concentrate on the negative. Most things at the company may be fine, but complainers only talk about their pet peeves and annoyances.

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    It becomes a habit

    The more you complain, the easier it becomes, everything is bad and everyone sucks. The longer you remain in that negative mind set, the more difficult it is to get back into any kind of positivity.

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    You get what you focus on

    What you already believe influences your perception of everything around you. You begin to see everything in a negative light.

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    It makes people despondent

    If you're surrounded by negativity, you begin to see the workplace as worse than it really is. It also destroys all hope that things might get better.

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    It kills innovation

    What's the point in coming up with original ideas when they will never be implemented. Chronic complainers are always first to shoot down new ideas.

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    It favors negative people

    The only path to camaraderie with negative people is to be negative. If you happen to come up with a new idea or start talking positive, you're viewed as being naive or unrealistic.

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    It creates cliques

    If you're optimistic and positive, it opens you up to relationships with other co-workers but shuts you down in the clique of complainers.

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    Pessimism is bad for your health

    People who see life through a positive lens have a long list of advantages according to Psychologist Martin Seligman such as......They live longer.....They're healthier.....They have more friends and active social lives.........They enjoy life more.............They are more successful at work.

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