This much, I know is true. No one should ever start smoking, and e-cigarettes are not a better option. No option is the way to go. Also, it's no surprise how easily we can be persuaded.

I am not a "reformed" smoker jumping on a soapbox. I have never really been a smoker. But, I do understand falling prey to pressure and coolness. I did smoke for about a month when I was a teenager because there was a boy I hung out with - and I liked a lot- who smoked. I wanted to look like I fit in. Thankfully, I came to my senses real fast. I hated the taste, smell and, even back then, the cost.

Kids now are online constantly, and a new study is showing that online ads are most effective at persuading teens to try e-cigarettes. Researchers with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed info from more than 20,000 middle school and high school students, and found that middle school kids who say they regularly saw e-cigarette ads online were almost three times as likely to use them as kids who didn't see the ads. High school students who often watched online ads were twice as likely to use e-cigs. In a recent story from the, the study goes on to say the teens who vape are more likely to smoke regular cigarettes later on.

I realize we all grow from lessons learned. Sadly, the horrors of smoking is a lesson that millions have ignored over time. Frankly, it boggles my mind.

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