Don't know how it happened, but this morning on the show, Lou, Pam, and I got into an intense discussion about french fries, not boobs, guys, fries!


My favorites are "steak fries" lathered in ketchup. Lou's top three favs were curly, waffle, and shoe string fries. Pam's passions were shoe string, curly, and sweet potato fries, but only if she had a spicy chipotle sauce for dipping. Lou, of course, pooh poohed our selections because he's Mr. Know-It-All.


We then got into which restaurants had the best fries ever. "Five Guys Burgers and Fries" led the way. Here my friends are some little known facts about french fries. As early as 750 bc, the Andean Incas found potatoes growing wild in the highlands and not only used them as their staple source of food but also used them to tell time and cure illness. Potatoes were a well kept Incan secret for thousands of years! Obviously the Incan mummy, pictured here, was not allotted enough fries.


Today, french fries account for nearly 25% of all potatoes sold in the United States. The average American eats about 30 pounds of these tasty little suckers annually. The french fry has gone from being fed to only animals and prisoners to the 2nd most popular staple food in the world. "Would you like fries with that?" Duhhhh, yeah!!!!!

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