These were going to be gifts for someone?  Oh no.  I must put a stop to this. 

The other day my wife started telling me about gift ideas for fringe people in our lives.  I mean acquaintances and I started getting upset.  We said we were only doing family this year but she promised they would be inexpensive and rather than fight over it all afternoon I decided it would be best to sit this one out.  Then last night I could tell she was wrapping something but did not pay much attention because I was knee deep in a "Shark Tank" marathon on MSNBC.   Then this morning I walk into the kitchen around 4:30 am and see a butt load of Lotto scratch off tickets wrapped in a bow and a wave of anxiety washed over me.  I had put two and two together and realized these were set to be given to those acquaintances I had spoken about earlier.  No way I said.  This will not stand.  Rather than wake her up I got in the car and went to work.  The first thing I did when I got there was send her an instant message explaining why this was not cool with me.  Here is my case before you tell me I'm a terrible person:

  • The gift is for people we don't even know.  You know what I am talking about it could be a garbage man, teacher, mailman etc.  We don't have enough money to give anyone other than our family gifts so that is strike 1.
  • The Lotto ticket as a gift is a time bomb waiting to ruin your life forever.  If you are broke and you give someone a Lotto ticket as a gift and they hit big it will inevitably be the biggest regret or your lifetime.  i don't care what anyone says.  You can say all you want that it would not bother you but really try and imagine that scenario.  Take it a step further and it's not even a family member but a complete stranger.  No thank you.
  • The Lotto ticket is only appreciated if the person wins.  If not it's simply something they have to throw away.


Am I one of those people who cannot see something good happen to someone else?  No I can enjoy other people's happiness and good fortune but this scenario is all too much for me.  i would never think about anything else for the rest of my life.  I would have a vivid mental picture of that ticket sitting on my counter and I just would not recover.  If that makes me a bad person...then OH WELL.  I'd rather throw it in the garbage and never scratch it off than give it to someone else and live with that regret.  I did put a stop to it.  I'll go home now and scratch them off, lose and we can all move on with our lives.  MERRY CHRISTMAS.

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