It's been a long time coming. I've been watching the steady progress all Summer as I drive by, but finally, the new Edmond Road bypass has been completed between Wheels Convenience Store and Newtown Pizza Palace off of Church Hill Road.

Credit - Large Dave
Credit - Large Dave

The construction crews have been totally changing the landscape in this area for a couple of years now. The new retail complex is truly starting to take shape. It looks like they're done with most of the exterior work, now it's down to the small details.

Credit - Google

One of those details is where the hell everyone is going to park at this new retail complex, and that is why they moved Edmond Road. This will clear the path for commerce to quickly, and safely, get in and out of this area. And not a minute too soon, because trying to take a left from Edmond Road onto Church Hill Road has been a nightmare for YEARS. I can't begin to tell you how many accidents I've seen at that intersection. You had I-84/Church Hill Rd/Blue Colony Diner/Mobil, and Wheels traffic trying to squeeze into 4 busy lanes, and a crash happened almost daily.

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