Tracy Morgan on Today Show Says His Wife, ‘She’s Pregnant Three Times, Every Week She Got Pregnant’
Tracy Morgan appeared on the Today Show yesterday and went exactly how you would think. Tracy went into great detail about how isolation has impacted his sex life and talked about getting his gorilla tested for COVID-19.
That's right, he said; "We're role playing a lot now. She's playing a young maiden whose grandfather was infected with coronavirus and I'm the scientist who discovered a cure and she'll do anything to save her grandfathers life, I mean anything."
It's at this point that Hoda's journalistic instincts are firing on all cylinders and twelve people are yelling in her ear to get him off the sex for coronavirus cure thought. She grabs at the first piece of information she can remember about Tracy from their morning meeting and asks him about the bowling alley in his house.
Tracy is not up for that, he's determined and responds with "that's not a point," shutting her down and segueing right into the next COVID-19 joke he's currently working on. He starts into how the Tiger at the Bronx Zoo who tested positive, has him worried and now Tracy is going to take his 600 lb. pet gorilla to New York Presbyterian to be tested for COVID-19.
This is a master class by Tracy to both say whatever he wants and 'F' up everyone's week at the Today Show. They will be answering hate mail from both morons and killjoys for weeks. The morons will want to know why Hoda didn't tell Tracy it's not OK to take your gorilla to New York Presbyterian hospital and the killjoys will complain about all of it.
I never miss a chance to watch a comedian like Tracy on a show like that. The environment is devoid of any real opinion or original thought and Tracy comes on and everyone has to wake their ass up hoping to contain the situation. It was hilarious, it was awkward, Bravo Tracy, Bravo.
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