Paramount Filming Blockbuster Sequel in Newburgh and PoughkeepsieParamount Filming Blockbuster Sequel in Newburgh and PoughkeepsieOne of the most talked about films of 2022 is getting a sequel, and it will soon be filmed in Newburgh, Poughkeepsie and Wappingers Falls.BorisBoris
Rare Mutated “1 in 100,000″ Squirrel Discovered in WappingersRare Mutated “1 in 100,000″ Squirrel Discovered in WappingersA squirrel that has defied the laws of evolution was discovered in a Wappingers Falls yard.BorisBoris
Is Blockbuster Video Opening in Dutchess County?Is Blockbuster Video Opening in Dutchess County?Unfortunately, no. But we have a feeling HBO has something to do with this. JessJess