‘After Action Report’ Reviews State Police Response to Sandy Hook Tragedy
The official report has been made public regarding how the State Police handled the most heinous crime in Connecticut's history.
The 75-page document is titled, "The Connecticut State Police After Action Report", and it took five years to complete. The first paragraph on Page 74 summed up the report which stated:
The attack at Sandy Hook Elementary School was handled effectively. Had it not been for the heroic actions of the teachers, school staff, and the response force, the number of victims could have been higher.
Overall, the report found that the State Police did a "commendable" job but mistakes were made according to an article on wfsb.com. Those mistakes included setting up a command post in the middle of a crime scene and officers pointing their rifles at each other called 'weapon muzzle discipline.'
For every law enforcement mistake that was pointed out in the report, there were recommendations made on how to handle similar situations in the future. The purpose of the "After Action Report" was to act as a learning tool to help first responders get better at what they do. To read the entire report, click on Imgcorporate.com.
I tried to find a video of first responders being interviewed by various news media for this article. I couldn't even get through the first twenty seconds of each video.
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