Hysterical Bracelet Found in New Milford Finally Returned to Owner
A few weeks back, while cruising the web, I happened upon a post from Steven Berryman over at Joe's Salon and Spa in New Milford. Steven found the hilarious "Hoes Mad" bracelet pictured above and we wasted no time reaching out to him to assist in locating the owner.
Our role was to get the word out that the bracelet had been found and we worked closely with Steven to track down its owner -- mainly because I HAD to find out the story behind this thing. I am happy to report that our joint task force was able to reunite this bracelet with the person it belonged to.
Steve tracked down the owner and spoke to her. When he told us he would be returning it to the person soon, we asked him to shine some more light on this situation. Then, we asked Steve just a handful of questions and got our truth locked down. Here's how that went:
Lou - We heard a weird theory about how the bracelet was tied to some underground society that involves trail hiking and craft beer - any indication that that was the case?
Steve - As far as I know, the bracelet wasn't attached to an underground hiking and craft beer society, but that seems very interesting -- I might look into that further!
Lou - What was your impression of the person who claimed it?
Steve - The girl's mother came into the salon and she was super polite and a down to earth woman. I actually traded them the original bracelet for a new custom bracelet that says "blackmage," and I'm meeting up with them during the week to officially trade the bracelets.
Lou - Why was hoes mad?
Steve - The daughter had made the bracelet because of a Tik-Tok video, where they used a song by rapper "Famous Dex". The song was titled "Hoes Mad," thus the bracelet came into existence.
This is what we do. The i95 News Team is here to break pointless local news and "right" any "wrongs" that are associated. I refused to rest until the owner of this bracelet was found. I could not sleep knowing that this jewelry with zero value was not where it belonged.
Interesting stuff. I'm happy to report that since my conversation with Steven, the bracelet exchange meeting DID happen. All the bracelets are in the hands of their rightful owners. Check it: