Now we know why Kit Harrington, who played Jon Snow on the HBO hit series Game of Thrones, has been seen around Connecticut over the last few weeks. He has reportedly checked into a Connecticut Rehab Facility for stress and alcohol issues.

The real truth is that Harrington actually checked himself into the facility weeks before the series finale of Game of Thrones even aired.

One of the major issues Kit is dealing with was the conclusion of the show. The end of playing his character Jon Snow hit him pretty hard. He was also really troubled by the final episode, where Game of Throne fans saw Jon stab Dany – the woman he loves – to death in the heart to save the realm.

Harrington mentioned some of the issues back in April in an Esquire magazine story. He said that he had a “full-on breakdown” after filming his final scenes for “GoT” and that he felt he was “being skinned” taking off his Jon Snow costume.

Here's what a rep for the actor said in a statement, according

The actor realized ‘this is it — this is the end’, it was something they had all worked so hard on for so many years. He had a moment of, what next? Kit has decided to utilize this break in his schedule as an opportunity to spend some time at a wellness retreat to work on some personal issues. His wife Rose is being extremely supportive. Everyone close to him really wanted him to get some rest. Right now, he just needs peace and quiet. He’s in the clinic predominantly for stress and exhaustion and also alcohol.

TMZ obtained video of Harrington from back in January showing him at a New York City pub where he was apparently so drunk that he had to be physically removed from the place by staff members

For now, locals who have seen him in Connecticut say he looks really good and appears to be very focused on his health and wellness.

The luxury Connecticut health retreat the actor is staying at is called Privé-Swiss, and cost a whopping $120,000 a month.

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