Dennis Rodman Accused of Participating in the Robbery of a Yoga Studio
Dennis Rodman is accused of participating in the robbery of a Yoga Studio according to TMZ. They have video of the alleged incident. It's crazy.
Dennis says he didn't do it.
First of all, your face is literally killing me Dennis. I don't know how you are manipulating it but please stop. Second, I feel like a dinosaur for caring about what's up with Rodman but he was a big name in my era. He was one of the first "shock celebrities" and one hell of a basketball player.
If he did this, it proves that he is danger to himself and others. It's not that I am surprised the dude lost most, if not all of his NBA money. At this point I assumed Dennis was broke and would do anything for money.
It does not even surprise me he's accused of stealing but who the hell wants to steal yoga creams, oils, mats? I don't know what accessory items they sell in a yoga studio but whatever they are, they are unquestionably not worth the trouble/consequences.
I'm pretty sure a person who is obsessed with yoga will tell you they would not steal em'. Even yogis can only go so hard with yoga stuff. There's so much information that is here, that if true, NEVER had to happen. Here are some of the many things Dennis could have done/not done to avoid the current situation he finds himself in:
- Dennis could have been more careful with his NBA money.
- Dennis could have been more careful with his reality TV money.
- Dennis could have not hung out with Kim Jong Un. (I don't know how that connects to this, but it can't help).
- Dennis could have ignored whatever lunatic hit him with yoga statistics on how it's the fastest growing industry in wellness.
- Dennis could have heard the statistics and thought, "Yeah, but how does stealing a few hundred dollars worth of crap help me capitalize on this booming business?"
That's how it happened, if it happened and Dennis is guilty. Someone told Dennis, Yoga is a booming industry. They said to him we are going to open our own yoga place, you are going to be the celebrity face of the yoga spot. First we need some inventory, let's steal that inventory from an existing yoga studio and we will have inventory for our place. You come with us because you are a celebrity and will draw all the attention and we can easily steal the yoga accessories.
I know that makes no sense to you and I. None. That's all it could have been, unless they were planning on stealing the stuff and selling it on the black market. Which would only make sense if you can find a "fence" for yoga accessories.
"fence" - A middle man for thieves and buyers of black market goods.
I don't know Dennis, you were a great ball player and all but I can't take the path you are currently on. Please don't call me anymore.
He was great once.
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