CT Lawmakers Deliver Updates on Marijuana and Tolls as June Deadline Looms
Where do Connecticut lawmakers stand on bills concerning marijuana, tolls, minimum wage, sports betting, and vaping?
The Hartford Courant reminds us that Connecticut's General Assembly adjourns on June 5 and bills that are still in committee have not been finalized one way or another which begs the question, what's the latest on each of these important issues with less than two months remaining.
Marijuana - A bill creating the groundwork for recreational marijuana sales has been passed and will limit the purchasing of recreational marijuana to adults 21 and over. Marijuana-infused candies and the growing of marijuana in the home will be prohibited.
Tolls - Three bills have been sent to the CT House and Senate proposing electronic tolls on I-84, I-91, I-95, and Route 15 which is the Merrit Parkway. Those bills will be voted on soon.
Minimum Wage - Three bills raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour has been passed by the labor committee. Wage increases will be phased in yearly until it reaches $15 an hour by 2024.
Sports Betting - Two sports betting bills have been sent to the House and Senate for deliberation. One bill involves the Mashantucket Pequot and Mohegan Tribes while the other bill would grant permission for sports betting to multiple operators. The two Indian tribes have been arguing that they have exclusive rights to sports betting.
Vaping - The bill raising the age from 18 to 21 to purchase smoking products including e-cigarettes has passed the public health committee in Hartford this past March. There was only one 'no' vote which means by June 5 there's an excellent chance it will be signed into law.
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