Staff Writer

Anchors Have Major Giggle Fit While Covering Sewage Leak
Sewage leak -- gross, sure. But it's also pretty darned funny.

Drunk Russian Soldier Levels Vicious Punch on Reporter
Guess what? Russia may also have a problem with fake news.

July 2017 News Bloopers Is the Laugh Riot You Need Right Now
The news: informing us and entertaining us, without even trying.

What’s the First Thing O.J. Simpson Will Do When He’s Free?
Cue the "he's going to continue to search for the real killer" jokes.

Hilarious Video Highlights Differences Between 2007 and 2017
Oh, man, have we changed in the last decade.

The Best News Bloopers of 2017 So Far Are Everything and More
It's been a banner year for bloopers. And we've still got more than five months to go.

Resourceful Dad Creates Ingenious ‘Poor People Roller Coaster’
When life throws you lemons, make lemonade.

News Anchor Is Sooooo Ticked Off By Technical Difficulties
Always keep your composure.

June 2017 News Bloopers Are the Year’s Midpoint of Utter Hilarity
Six months of gaffes down, six more to go.

The Best City for Independence Day 2017 Is Not What You Think
You may think Philadelphia is the ideal place to be on the Fourth of July, but you'd be way off.