I have been getting real, genuine rest lately and it is SPECTACULAR. 

You get up in the morning and you can see clearly, hear better and you can focus.  I mean I have been on a hot streak with sleep lately and as a result I myself have been on fire.

I mean on fire.  I feel like I've been drinking coffee all day when I really have had none at all.  Is that normal?  I mean I am ready to shingle a roof right now or run a triathlon.  Well maybe not a triathlon or shingling a roof because it would be the worst roof of all time.  Here's the deal though...sleep is the key.  What is more important.  The way I am feeling right now I would have to say nothing.

It's the Rapid Eye Movement sleep too with crazy trippy dreams.  R.E.M.

I have however been doing and saying weird things in my sleep lately according to my wife.  Like the other night when I screamed NO in my sleep and threw a punch that hit her in the back.  That can't be a good thing.  I don't know exactly what I was objecting to but from the description of my behavior it might have been me fighting off one of those jail house scenarios ....if you know what I mean.

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