So, here are mine Louis and Chris.  They are amazing kids but what do you tell them when a major life event happens?  Birth, death, divorce or a big move? 

In the past few years I have had to confront all these things with Louie and Christopher and the only thing I have been able to come up with is to be honest until it starts to hurt.  My kids are very different human beings.  Louie, my oldest, the one that looks like me won't say a thing or ask questions but you can read on his face that he is deep in thought.  So, I engage him.  Chris is harder, he will ask pointed, direct and specific questions.  They both deserve answers.  The past three years, their mom and dad broke up, their Papi passed away and they have moved twice.  I had none of this growing up.  I also did not want any of this for them.  My mom and Dad are still together and my Grandpa's did not pass away until I was in my twenties and thirties.  I have taken this into consideration and can still not begin to imagine what they have been through as babies.  I do rest my head comfortably at night knowing that their mom is a great mom, I'm a pretty good dad I think and they have my parents and my enormous family to look after them.  Their aunts Renee and Katy would abandon any sense of self to make life better for their nephews and here I am sick to my stomach.  I worry, everyday, all day.  What do you tell your kids about tough life decisions?  Death?  Divorce?  Change?

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