My work hours paired with my love for watching disastrous people collide when I get home too early.  My son is sick and I had to come straight home after my radio show. 

Today was worse than most days because I was home by just after 10 am.  So I was home WAY too early to be a human.

My home office situation took a back seat to Christmas decorations so I had to make some modifications.  I put my desk in the only place it would fit ..the middle of the living room facing the TV.  That presented a problem. .....TV.  There it is and inside are such magical stories I can watch while I work!  Yeah that was a mistake too.  Do you know how bad daytime TV is?  If I made 1 million dollars a year and had the same hours I would feel like a failure for watching daytime television.

I have three choices.....sports items I've already digested from the weekend, 24 hour news which I've already digested or Jerry.  Yeah.  LCD.  I chose the Lowest Common Denominator.  JERRY.  JERRY.  JERRY.

It's like fast food.   You swear in the moment that you need must have it.  The result is bloating and self loathing.  I guess Jerry Springer is celebrating 25 years of presenting us with the LCD.  Good for him.  He has a financial empire for his family on the shame of so many.  I would do the same as him without blinking.  You have to:  "TAKE CAAAA OF YOO KIISSS!  (Take care of your kids) That's what his guests say.  I feel the same way.  Only I intend to.

I am part of the problem because I cannot look away but if we do it right we won't have these shows.

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