Would you try a product that claims it's capable of reducing bloating and puffiness, boosts
metabolism, increases energy, and curbs your appetite? Sound too good to be true? Let's take a closer look at a product I found on AOL Lifestyle called "Thermo Bubbles."Celebrities Anne Hathaway and Heidi Klum swear by this product which was designed by one of the most respected fitness experts in the country, David Kirsch. The product claims to increase energy, suppress appetite, boost metabolism, and reduce bloating. According to expertratedreviews.com reviewers have given it lukewarm reviews at best.

Thermo Bubbles comes in packet form, mixes with water, and tastes like pink lemonade. It has no sugar and zero calories and contains antioxidants and lots of vitamins. The most prevalent complaint from reviewers is the 'appetite suppressent' promise. The majority of reviewers state they do lose their appetite immediately after drinking the supplement, but only for a very short time.

The general consensus from expertratedreviews.com is that Thermo Bubbles shows little in the way of fat loss but shows promise in the energy boosting department. For what the product actually delivers in the way of performance, it's way overpriced! Here's the Amazon price.  The supplement has no type of certification and there's not enough evidence that it's caused a change in their customers. Sounds like it really is too good to be true.

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"Thermo Bubbles" was designed by one of the most respected fitness experts in the world, David Kirsch. One of the warning signs for me is the use of the word, miracle potion that's included in some of their advertisements. According to expertsratedreviews.com, Thermo Bubbles are getting lukewarm reviews.


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